Ok. Ok. I know the calendar has not yet flipped over to October, but if you have not yet started contemplating your holiday ecommerce strategy, it is time to get going.
With all the funkiness in the financial markets and the presidential race leaving many in suspended animation, there is no question this year brings with it a few added complexities. But business is business, and now is the time to plan out your course for online success. Here are a few areas to consider:
1. Have you started preparing your website messaging to reflect the upcoming holidays? Letting your customers know that you are welcoming them for their holiday shopping is key. This can be accomplished with good copywriting and some accompanying holiday-themed images.
2. Have you thought about which products will be your best sellers? You want to be pushing those on your home page? If you have relevant holiday related products, be sure those are also front and center, and not buried somewhere on your site. Any great gift ideas should be featured on the home page.
3. Have you considered what kind of specials might work well for you at this time of year and how you can promote those either via email marketing, search engine exposure, or other promotions on your site? If there is anything you can do to specifically cater to holiday shoppers (perhaps with gift wrapping or special shipping arrangements), take a few minutes to create a well-optimized page explaining what you are doing.
4. And how about email marketing? Now is the time to start crafting your campaigns for the next few months to drive holiday traffic to your web site. A well-timed email blast will work wonders. You don’t want to overdo it, but think about a schedule for holiday email blasts and start preparing your copy.
If you do your preparation now you will be ready to roll out your marketing when the time is right and might even have a little time left over to do a little of your own stress-free holiday shopping!
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